Posted: 12/12/2014
Hello readers and welcome to the first Forscene blog.
As the new Forscene website went live a couple of weeks ago, we thought it was about time we started blogging to the (media) world at large! I’m Amy, Content Manager, and I’ll be heading up this blog, but with contributors from inside and outside the organisation.
Brief history
Most of you are probably already familiar with what Forscene is, but just in case a few newbies have stumbled across this blog, here’s the lowdown: Forscene was developed over 10 years ago as a tool to help video loggers…well, log. It has developed over the years to become an editing and reviewing tool as well, and is used on some big name productions across a range of industries in sport, broadcast, news, education and corporate. Here’s a video I put together to show how Forscene has changed over the last decade:
New Forscene interface
At the beginning of December this year, we launched our shiny new interface that has been redesigned to be fresh and dynamic. If you are new to Forscene you can try it out now with a free trial account for 30 days – there are sign up pages across the website.
Webinar introducing the new Forscene
Moreover, our Regional Manager for Canada & Eastern US, Mr. Jeff Krebs, hosted a webinar this week entitled “Edit like a god” – showing tips and tricks for editing in Forscene. In this free webinar, Jeff took viewers on a journey through Forscene – showing them the simplest ways to log media, add markers to clips, live inside and outside of trim, apply shortcuts, work with multicam media and publish to other editing applications. If you feel like you missed out, don’t worry, as you too can become a speed freak at editing, by watching this video:
Well, that’s about it for now – check back next Friday for the next edition of the blog.
Blackbird is best-of-breed
Jon Hanford - Group CTO, Deltatre