Posted: 20/02/2015
Since the Sony scandal at the end of 2014, people have become hesitant of the term “cloud”, and cloud-based platforms are beginning to cause concern. Many people don’t like the idea of their data being stored… well, where is it stored, exactly? The integrity of the security of the Internet cloud has also become tainted, because if a global, well-protected company like Sony can be hacked how can small businesses entrust storing their data in the cloud?
Is the cloud really poisoned?
However, the flip side argument is that the cloud is just as safe as storing files on an external hardrive. If you carry one around with you it can easily become misplaced and then everything is lost. Yet, I guess the difference is that losing a piece of hardware is seen as human error, whereas losing everything you store in the cloud is a “machine’s” fault, and placing blame is more complicated. Nonetheless, on to the point of this post…
How practical is the cloud for your video production needs?
The answer? VERY!
The cloud is incredibly valuable to video production. You can be on a shoot in New York, upload the footage at the end of a day’s filming, and have someone at the office in London start logging the content the very next day. Editors can then start storyboarding the content together, they can relay back to the production crew that a shot has been missed, and before the shoot has moved to the next location, that crucial shot can be recaptured. This saves not only valuable time, but also a lot of money for a production company, as fewer pick-ups need to be done at a later stage in the production cycle.
Moreover, editors have a lot more freedom working in the cloud. They’re no longer tied to edit suites, as they can access projects from anywhere in the world. In Forscene, there’s a built-in chat service that means production team members can talk about the project quickly and in private.
Furthermore, working in the cloud also negates the need for editors, directors and producers to all be in the same room for review and QC sessions. You can collaborate effectively in the cloud, giving feedback and comments on specific clips. Particularly if you’re using a professional video editing software like Forscene, as everyone can have his or her own access to the account. Not only does this save money on hiring out edit suites, but it also means that everyone’s precious time isn’t wrapped up.
Forscene on the Internet Cloud
Our Director of Business Development, Jason Cowan, recently wrote an article entitled ‘The End of Linear Production Workflows?’ which prompts a lot of thought on the matter. It also provokes other debates like when does post-production now start? And are production and post-production becoming part of a bigger entity?
Let us know on social media if you have an opinion…
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Jon Hanford - Group CTO, Deltatre