Posted: 04/01/2015
This video demonstrates Forscene’s simple drag and drop functionality – dragging from the file window to the play window, dropping clips onto your timeline and dragging time codes from the logging window.
Transcription of the video
Drag and drop can be used to organise your Forscene workspace.
You can relocate your panels and move and resize windows too. You can also drag and drop your timeline, record window or play window to create a personalised workspace layout.
Media can be dragged from one area and dropped into another. Organise your file window into folders or drag from your file window into the play or record window – it works with individual files and entire folders.
Only want a piece of the clip? Mark your in and out points in the play window and drag your selection onto your timeline or into the record window.
Time codes can be dragged and dropped too.Drag the time code from your record window into the play window to match frame.
And for loggers that missed the shot? Drag time codes from your logging window into the play window or from the play window into the logging window.
Drag and drop makes editing your sequence easy. You can move your shots around within a sequence or move individual tracks.
Drag your edit points to shorten or extend shots; drag your transitions to change their duration; and drag the top corner of a clip to add a fade.
When you’re done, drag and drop into your files window to save. Whether it’s a sequence, a clip or a colour correction.
And to delete? Drag it to the recycle bin and drop it there.
Finally, share your work by dragging your sequence or selection onto the publishing option of your choice.
Blackbird is best-of-breed
Jon Hanford - Group CTO, Deltatre