Posted: 20/03/2023
The latest upgrade to the Blackbird platform is released 21st March 2023. This release has a number of media compatibility improvements to ensure that the platform can be used even more efficiently.
Updated Editor layout
The default editor layout has been updated and is available to all users, both existing and new. It is tailored to the optimal sizing for HD displays in combination with fast access to media files and timeline view styles.
Aspect ratio and rotation detection on ingest
With ever increasing reliance on mobile and multi device capture workflows, the Blackbird ingest processes have been optimised for greater flexibility on ingest of media with respect to both aspect ratios (e.g. vertical, square, widescreen and 4:3). The addition of support for handling rotation from devices delivers a faster user experience and accurate representation of content in the editor.
Improved Frame Rate Detection
The Blackbird platform has improved frame rate detection rules from estimated values in source files for greater flexibility where the actual frame rate differs from the reported frame rate. This results in more streamlined workflows when dealing with less accurate capture devices such as mobile and tablet technologies.

Blackbird is best-of-breed
Jon Hanford - Group CTO, Deltatre